Sunday, September 27, 2015

03 Websites and education

The website I'm going to critique about is the website we recently learned to use this past week called Edmodo. This website is basically a site where teachers can learn and work together to form educational things to teach to their students. Its a very social site between you and your group of people so definitely be ready to communicate when your on it. Its sort of like a coaching site to help further you along i your journey of being a teacher to the students your are having and I like it very much. 
What i like about this website is that its also so easy to use and everything is all there to get going with your journey. This website is basically of representation of Chapter 9's topic. Chapter 9 mentions how "As the internet has developed , various online tools and services have become available. This is basically saying how, teachers use a lot of online things inside and outside of class to further their education with the students are with just them by themselves. Its alot different from how it used to be from just books and chalk boards.

Another thing we have been doing this past week that I found cool was learning to make newsletters. We was making them in the form of a school teacher format. Its so many ways to do it and a lot of possibilities to figure something out to make a topic about. I have been a having plenty of fun with that because its making me use a lot of functions on Microsoft word that I either rarely use or haven't used before.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

2 MS, Copyright and Twitter

I  used Microsoft word for basically everything and anything I ever typed. Its my favorite thing to use when I need to get a paper done or to even jot thoughts down to save. As a student this is something iv always use in my classrooms and assignments. Using Microsoft word is just easier because in the past iv used a program called note pad to type something when my computer miraculously didn't have ms word and I hated it. I'm going to always use it and try my best to keep up with the up to date versions because they keep getting better, and if I had a classrooms all our writing assignments would be there.

Copyright and fair use is a very serious thing in the technology world. You don't want to be in a legal dispute over anyone elses information and ideas without the consent. I myself have never been in a situation like this. If I had my own class id definitely get them to understand the severity of understanding it through videos and legal disputes about them in the real world. Id even make my students use the safe assign to turn in papers to make sure they are not copying anyone's work.

Using twitter was never a big thing for me. Since iv been using it on the class iv learned to network in a new way. I'm usually a Facebook guy but Twitter adds flavor. When I use it, Twitter is more of a hey let me continue to talk about whats going on for a while type of thing and move on while Facebook is a one stop then move on. There is definitely more interaction with twitter with re tweeting and favoring tweets in which I have been doing. Using this especially with any future career could keep people updated hand fulls at a time with twitter in a short and sweet manner.