Monday, November 9, 2015

09 Flipped Classes/Develop/Powerpoint

In chapter 10 there was talk about flipped classrooms on the topic of blending learning. Its basically a way for students to listen to lectures at home and have the in person time in class for assignments only. I like the idea because it saves time but at the same time It can be harder for students to learn that are lazy. I would like to see a poll or evaluation of this to see how well it works in the classroom. Something like this can be horrible for some students. This is a good look on this idea

In the subject of professional development, a site that I had seen that seems helpful was It basically a network of a number of things in order to give you your educational needs. You can hone your craft and expand your knowledge on technology and teaching along with how to express it to others. Its easy to use and ts links take you to plenty of resourceful places for information that you would need or be looking for.

The power point this week was difficult. I always have a hard time for some reason with power points but I always give it my best! My power point consisted of learning about the plants in our solar system. I figured this would be interesting information to learn about from the giants in the sky. When I eventually got through it I felt accomplished but next time id want to use easier power point programs. Nothing is wrong with it but id rather use something more new and up to date.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post about the flipped classroom. I like the author's emphasis that its not about the video:

    "it's a mistake to become overly invested in your video’s "wow factor" at the expense of instructional integrity. The critical component of flipped learning occurs in the classroom itself"
