Monday, October 26, 2015

07 Powerpoints and Website

Power points are a great way for a teacher to teach things to a class in a constructive visual orderly fashion. From the power points iv made i previous classes, I have always used power points mostly due to its easy nature. You can have a lot of visuals because of it along with your information. In a class id teach I would let kids do power points surely so that they can learn to put visuals with their work. Information with the visuals is a great way of understanding any subject. In the podcast, adaptive learning way mentioned. This is ways a individual or group of students can learn in their own special way. Not all students learn at the same pace and there are other ways out there in order to teach those students who have different paths to understanding things in their mind. That's what adaptive learning is. A way in which students can adapt to a situation in order to understand something. The websites we made for class in were pretty fun to make. It was simple to use and a lot more easier to use than a website I previously used before called wix. I think my website looks pretty good and simple for anyone to understand with a lot of colors. I even added in some resources we used in class like the site I found that adding your calender to it could be kind of confusing but it was simple once i understood how. For the most part it wasnt a hard assignment, if anything it just taught us how to use our brain even more with technology.

Freds Slideshare

I chose this because it shows a detail explanation and presentation of how to keep your software healthy as long as your use of it being healthy as well. Having a healthy computer will make your computer last longer and function like it did when you first bought it. Over time fro the web sites we all go to and the things we do n our computer sometimes makes our computer and its coding overload. Keeping it under control will keep your computer safe and strong from viruses and other malicious activities.

Monday, October 19, 2015

06 Productivity, Web Evaluations

The website I chose to speak about was my very own high school, Rickards High School. I chose this site because of course I went to it but its a straight forward site that's very easy to use for what you want. Anything you want to look for dealing with parent information, sports, contacts academies and other resources are all right in front of your face to see. The tabs at the top are everything you need to have in order to navigate. This site is also reliable because its a Leon county schools website and you can also get to this page from the Leon county schools site as well in a direct link. If I was a parent, id be very satisfied with this site giving me the knowledge I need.

Productivity is a main focus that we have been talking about recently. In the podcast its described as something that will help you through your everyday functions. Diigo, which is one of the sites mentioned in the podcast is something students and teachers can use in the classes that lets you edit online things for other possible uses in the future. Something like that is good to h have in the classroom to keep students flexible with using information they handle. Off-the-shelf sources and software as chapter 7 talks about is so easy for classes to use to keep things rolling. Its something id use in a classroom, along with blogs.

The Web Evaluation that we did was a bit confusing at first but once I got it, I was sent rolling and didn't stop until I finished. I learned that a lot of these web sites out on the internet don't have updated information. Things change so rapidly and sources become outdated and this assignment has shown me that first hand. The Wiki me and Jessica made was straight to the point and simple. We pin pointed websites dealing with our topic of Science and Space then evaluated them to see if they were reliable sources of information. The assignment was helpful and wasn't too bad at all along with my partner, she was awesome and direct!

Monday, October 12, 2015

05 Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is definitely is an great thing for students and anyone to use. Web 2.0 is sites and their information used for interaction between people around the web. Since web 2.0 is used for you to have connections with people and sources on the web from everywhere, without it a lot of information wouldn't be out there. The podcast talks about these things and how different sources out online.

A good source in the web 2.0 world for classrooms definitely is and is effective for teachers especially. Along with that one of the sources it talked about that's a heavy hitter in the web 2.0 world is blogs. These can help a classroom keep information found together and shared among each other. If I had a classroom my students would be doing this all the time. It seems like a very relaxed and simple way to connect to the people in your class along with anyone else who wants to see. I currently have a blog myself in which im writing on at this moment for my EME class! That goes to show how cool and easy it is to have one.

With the concept map, it was a big challenging at first. I didnt know how to use it at first and it was slightly difficult but I got through it. Trying to piece together my information with my map was a bit tedious because I kept redoing things. I eventually got all the way through and added all the fancy stuff to it t make it look very nice with my information about ww1. Here is that final product!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

04 Web Hunting

The web hunt helped me not only to use the google search engine in different ways but also of the content I was searching up. The content that I was searching around for were websites that teachers could use for students in their educational uses. Some of these websites were templates for a teacher to make sites for their classes and assignments that they might want to give their students. One of the websites I searched up for designing quality assignments was This website was for science and its a template to learn how to make class assignments on all types of scientific things but in this case it was Earth science. This was so cool to me because I had no idea that they had things like this or at least to this extent because it seems extremely helpful.

You can go in so many ways with designing quality things for educational use its amazing. There are more websites out there such as teacher building websites and just straight out links to many other educational sources like The way I used my google search engine was just mainly using key words. Like when I did my search for Earth science templates for assignments I made sure when I did my search I made sure I put "Earth science" so anything with that would come up rather than just normal science stuff. The web hunt has helped me in these ways of searching and seeing whats out there for teachers and anybody honestly to use for educational purposes.