Monday, October 26, 2015

07 Powerpoints and Website

Power points are a great way for a teacher to teach things to a class in a constructive visual orderly fashion. From the power points iv made i previous classes, I have always used power points mostly due to its easy nature. You can have a lot of visuals because of it along with your information. In a class id teach I would let kids do power points surely so that they can learn to put visuals with their work. Information with the visuals is a great way of understanding any subject. In the podcast, adaptive learning way mentioned. This is ways a individual or group of students can learn in their own special way. Not all students learn at the same pace and there are other ways out there in order to teach those students who have different paths to understanding things in their mind. That's what adaptive learning is. A way in which students can adapt to a situation in order to understand something. The websites we made for class in were pretty fun to make. It was simple to use and a lot more easier to use than a website I previously used before called wix. I think my website looks pretty good and simple for anyone to understand with a lot of colors. I even added in some resources we used in class like the site I found that adding your calender to it could be kind of confusing but it was simple once i understood how. For the most part it wasnt a hard assignment, if anything it just taught us how to use our brain even more with technology.

1 comment:

  1. Although you may never use Weebly again, the concepts transfer to other webpage creations. You'll find the tech learning curve is steep (a good thing).
