Sunday, November 22, 2015

Freds ILP #2 Piktochart

For my second Independent Learning Project I went and had a little bit of fun with the site piktochart. This website lets you design things in a info graphic type of style. Its something a person could use that doesn't have a lot of experience with working in the area of graphic designs. Its easy to use and doesn't get too complicated but can be very informative to anyone looking at someones piktochart. I used mines with information about fish.

I added information on the fish called endlers and the differences between males and females. This would be helpful to someone who would want to learn about guppies in which these fish are a species of. I had some fun with this, especially with my love of fish and how easy it was to use.

Heres my piktochart.

Freds ILP#1 Prezi

The website prezi was fun and easy to use. I like how simple it is compared to other power point tools a person could use because we all know how difficult creating power points can be. I wish we could have used this site for our own power point presentations because I had a few troubles with them. In this prezi I did a small and simple presentation on how to make set up a fish tank. Its short, simple and right to the point.

This is something anyone could see and be appreciative of, especially kids. Nevertheless its very common sense but very fun to see with prezi's tools.

Heres my prezi

Monday, November 16, 2015

010 EME2040 Education/Learning

This week's assignment was actually a lot easier than the one from last week. Both were power points but making your own game wasn't too bad considering we could use templates and go from there. I used a learning game template on vocabulary words and I think it came out pretty good honestly! I didn't get myself into a knot like the power point from last week's but nevertheless it was fun and interesting to do.

I liked the subject and blogs we got into about digital natives. I didn't think there was a word for children of that generation that but it is! Having being born into a world where technology is everywhere is definitely something to think about. Older people grew up completely different than us and did not have these tools like smart boards because they had chalk boards for an example.

A technology related skill I would love to incorporate if I had a classroom is blogs. Blogs are a great way for the class to see what each other is doing with their assignments. Having this is a great idea and something I would love to expand on if I had an classroom. I'm glad he had these in class because they helped a lot in my opinion.

Something I would definitely take from this class into future use would be learning to keep your internet safe. I would teach this to a class immediately if I was a teacher because there are a lot of malicious things out there on the internet. Also learning about copyright material because you can get into a lot of trouble using someone else information without asking. These are some great things to take with me into the future. If I end up teaching a class, all these tools for learning more would be incorporated.

Survey: Movies

Monday, November 9, 2015

09 Flipped Classes/Develop/Powerpoint

In chapter 10 there was talk about flipped classrooms on the topic of blending learning. Its basically a way for students to listen to lectures at home and have the in person time in class for assignments only. I like the idea because it saves time but at the same time It can be harder for students to learn that are lazy. I would like to see a poll or evaluation of this to see how well it works in the classroom. Something like this can be horrible for some students. This is a good look on this idea

In the subject of professional development, a site that I had seen that seems helpful was It basically a network of a number of things in order to give you your educational needs. You can hone your craft and expand your knowledge on technology and teaching along with how to express it to others. Its easy to use and ts links take you to plenty of resourceful places for information that you would need or be looking for.

The power point this week was difficult. I always have a hard time for some reason with power points but I always give it my best! My power point consisted of learning about the plants in our solar system. I figured this would be interesting information to learn about from the giants in the sky. When I eventually got through it I felt accomplished but next time id want to use easier power point programs. Nothing is wrong with it but id rather use something more new and up to date.

Monday, November 2, 2015

08 Progressing/Future Technology

Chapter 12 had some interesting things about our technology in it. One of the things that It talked about was something called Gamification which is creating smart toys for children to play with in order to learn. One of the most notable games that has been born from this is a game called the World Peace Game. This game was developed for fourth grader by their teacher John Hunter and it does so much for kids to learn. It helps kids learn by being a multi leveled board game that creates a environment in which the students representing different countries must achieve world peace with different tactics. It make the students brains work while having fun and learning at the same time. Another thing that will be big as the future continues in is the use of 3-D printing. Something like this can be used for children with disabilities. Imagine a blind child wants to know how something very specific feels since they cant see. This tool can print something out in a 3-D form and give shape to it. With this they would be able to feel and actually touch something to make it out. To the children who aren't blind something like this can be used in order to see how certain things work and go together close up. I think every child likes to be hands on with things because being able to feel and touch gets their attention. Something that has been notable while reading was the digital divide. Basically children who have technology at home and others who didn't. As a child I had limited technological resources at home, either it wasn't up to date or it was broken. As time went on I did end up getting better technology at home and things for class became a lot easier to get done. If I had a class room id be sure to not always give homework that's constantly online because not everyone has those resources at home. Even though its easier to have technology, I wouldn't mind the old fashion way at times. Another thing id do if I had students would be to do a poll in class to see who had computers at home to do online work and I'd probably make a classroom assignment judgement on that.

Monday, October 26, 2015

07 Powerpoints and Website

Power points are a great way for a teacher to teach things to a class in a constructive visual orderly fashion. From the power points iv made i previous classes, I have always used power points mostly due to its easy nature. You can have a lot of visuals because of it along with your information. In a class id teach I would let kids do power points surely so that they can learn to put visuals with their work. Information with the visuals is a great way of understanding any subject. In the podcast, adaptive learning way mentioned. This is ways a individual or group of students can learn in their own special way. Not all students learn at the same pace and there are other ways out there in order to teach those students who have different paths to understanding things in their mind. That's what adaptive learning is. A way in which students can adapt to a situation in order to understand something. The websites we made for class in were pretty fun to make. It was simple to use and a lot more easier to use than a website I previously used before called wix. I think my website looks pretty good and simple for anyone to understand with a lot of colors. I even added in some resources we used in class like the site I found that adding your calender to it could be kind of confusing but it was simple once i understood how. For the most part it wasnt a hard assignment, if anything it just taught us how to use our brain even more with technology.

Freds Slideshare

I chose this because it shows a detail explanation and presentation of how to keep your software healthy as long as your use of it being healthy as well. Having a healthy computer will make your computer last longer and function like it did when you first bought it. Over time fro the web sites we all go to and the things we do n our computer sometimes makes our computer and its coding overload. Keeping it under control will keep your computer safe and strong from viruses and other malicious activities.

Monday, October 19, 2015

06 Productivity, Web Evaluations

The website I chose to speak about was my very own high school, Rickards High School. I chose this site because of course I went to it but its a straight forward site that's very easy to use for what you want. Anything you want to look for dealing with parent information, sports, contacts academies and other resources are all right in front of your face to see. The tabs at the top are everything you need to have in order to navigate. This site is also reliable because its a Leon county schools website and you can also get to this page from the Leon county schools site as well in a direct link. If I was a parent, id be very satisfied with this site giving me the knowledge I need.

Productivity is a main focus that we have been talking about recently. In the podcast its described as something that will help you through your everyday functions. Diigo, which is one of the sites mentioned in the podcast is something students and teachers can use in the classes that lets you edit online things for other possible uses in the future. Something like that is good to h have in the classroom to keep students flexible with using information they handle. Off-the-shelf sources and software as chapter 7 talks about is so easy for classes to use to keep things rolling. Its something id use in a classroom, along with blogs.

The Web Evaluation that we did was a bit confusing at first but once I got it, I was sent rolling and didn't stop until I finished. I learned that a lot of these web sites out on the internet don't have updated information. Things change so rapidly and sources become outdated and this assignment has shown me that first hand. The Wiki me and Jessica made was straight to the point and simple. We pin pointed websites dealing with our topic of Science and Space then evaluated them to see if they were reliable sources of information. The assignment was helpful and wasn't too bad at all along with my partner, she was awesome and direct!

Monday, October 12, 2015

05 Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is definitely is an great thing for students and anyone to use. Web 2.0 is sites and their information used for interaction between people around the web. Since web 2.0 is used for you to have connections with people and sources on the web from everywhere, without it a lot of information wouldn't be out there. The podcast talks about these things and how different sources out online.

A good source in the web 2.0 world for classrooms definitely is and is effective for teachers especially. Along with that one of the sources it talked about that's a heavy hitter in the web 2.0 world is blogs. These can help a classroom keep information found together and shared among each other. If I had a classroom my students would be doing this all the time. It seems like a very relaxed and simple way to connect to the people in your class along with anyone else who wants to see. I currently have a blog myself in which im writing on at this moment for my EME class! That goes to show how cool and easy it is to have one.

With the concept map, it was a big challenging at first. I didnt know how to use it at first and it was slightly difficult but I got through it. Trying to piece together my information with my map was a bit tedious because I kept redoing things. I eventually got all the way through and added all the fancy stuff to it t make it look very nice with my information about ww1. Here is that final product!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

04 Web Hunting

The web hunt helped me not only to use the google search engine in different ways but also of the content I was searching up. The content that I was searching around for were websites that teachers could use for students in their educational uses. Some of these websites were templates for a teacher to make sites for their classes and assignments that they might want to give their students. One of the websites I searched up for designing quality assignments was This website was for science and its a template to learn how to make class assignments on all types of scientific things but in this case it was Earth science. This was so cool to me because I had no idea that they had things like this or at least to this extent because it seems extremely helpful.

You can go in so many ways with designing quality things for educational use its amazing. There are more websites out there such as teacher building websites and just straight out links to many other educational sources like The way I used my google search engine was just mainly using key words. Like when I did my search for Earth science templates for assignments I made sure when I did my search I made sure I put "Earth science" so anything with that would come up rather than just normal science stuff. The web hunt has helped me in these ways of searching and seeing whats out there for teachers and anybody honestly to use for educational purposes.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

03 Websites and education

The website I'm going to critique about is the website we recently learned to use this past week called Edmodo. This website is basically a site where teachers can learn and work together to form educational things to teach to their students. Its a very social site between you and your group of people so definitely be ready to communicate when your on it. Its sort of like a coaching site to help further you along i your journey of being a teacher to the students your are having and I like it very much. 
What i like about this website is that its also so easy to use and everything is all there to get going with your journey. This website is basically of representation of Chapter 9's topic. Chapter 9 mentions how "As the internet has developed , various online tools and services have become available. This is basically saying how, teachers use a lot of online things inside and outside of class to further their education with the students are with just them by themselves. Its alot different from how it used to be from just books and chalk boards.

Another thing we have been doing this past week that I found cool was learning to make newsletters. We was making them in the form of a school teacher format. Its so many ways to do it and a lot of possibilities to figure something out to make a topic about. I have been a having plenty of fun with that because its making me use a lot of functions on Microsoft word that I either rarely use or haven't used before.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

2 MS, Copyright and Twitter

I  used Microsoft word for basically everything and anything I ever typed. Its my favorite thing to use when I need to get a paper done or to even jot thoughts down to save. As a student this is something iv always use in my classrooms and assignments. Using Microsoft word is just easier because in the past iv used a program called note pad to type something when my computer miraculously didn't have ms word and I hated it. I'm going to always use it and try my best to keep up with the up to date versions because they keep getting better, and if I had a classrooms all our writing assignments would be there.

Copyright and fair use is a very serious thing in the technology world. You don't want to be in a legal dispute over anyone elses information and ideas without the consent. I myself have never been in a situation like this. If I had my own class id definitely get them to understand the severity of understanding it through videos and legal disputes about them in the real world. Id even make my students use the safe assign to turn in papers to make sure they are not copying anyone's work.

Using twitter was never a big thing for me. Since iv been using it on the class iv learned to network in a new way. I'm usually a Facebook guy but Twitter adds flavor. When I use it, Twitter is more of a hey let me continue to talk about whats going on for a while type of thing and move on while Facebook is a one stop then move on. There is definitely more interaction with twitter with re tweeting and favoring tweets in which I have been doing. Using this especially with any future career could keep people updated hand fulls at a time with twitter in a short and sweet manner.

Monday, August 31, 2015

1 Technology in this generation

Technology is something that has had a enormous effect on our planet. Without technology and the things we  use daily, we'd be in an completely different world. Those things consist of computers, tablets, cell phones etc. This ever growing technology is also becoming more prevalent in the classroom and being used more with its routine activities. By now most teachers in the class room have gotten used to this and to those who haven't are behind.

If I was to have a class room we'd always use technology to speed things along because that's what it's meant to do and that's whats going to be in our face. If a teacher in their classroom hasn't gotten technological advances like a smart board or project at the top of the room, they'd be behind by at least a decade or more. The learning style would be way slower and possibly less effective but that's how technology is now days especially with classes. If we didn't have the technological advances that we have right now, I wouldn't even be able to complete this blog post and instead would be writing on paper which would be more strenuous.

The generation we live in which is considered to be "digital natives" is completely true. There's no doubting that this generation of kids are way more into technology than the ones before. Children now days at very young ages know how to use iPod, tablets and anything alike without any trouble while older people have the worse time adapting. As time goes on technology will continue to become more rapid and expansive with its uses. I can only hope people will embrace and adapt it and not get left behind because its in our future.

Monday, August 24, 2015

0 Lets Learn bit About Fred!

      I have used technology throughout my life for fun and professional uses. I have always been a computer technology guy with knowing how to use different things on the computer and always researching things. These things are apart of my major and what I want to do with film. I completely love movies and anything with cameras dealing with film. Its been a passion to be involve in these things. In the past iv used technology to make power points, videos, websites and create graphic designs with no problem. Some of those were for class and some of those uses were for my own personal use. Hopefully this goal just keeps getting better.
    What I hope to learn in this is class is to further improve my skills in every aspect of technology. Getting even more experience with this class will make what I already know more solid. I just hope to learn some new things about technology I haven't thought about using in the past. In past classes iv always been the person to just know how to use a computer with higher skills than anyone else. I honestly expect this class to make it that experience even higher. I hope to learn everything with how to master a computer.
    Today, I learned more of what I had no idea of knowing. I didn't know how to screenshot on a computer but I learned today along with how to copy and past with the click of buttons and not the mouse. These tools are more simple to use once you get use to them more frequently. Once I master these things, Ill know so much and I cant wait to continue. This first day has been very great!